NCCC College Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 14, 2025  
NCCC College Catalog 2024-2025

Surgical Technology, AAS

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The Surgical Technology program trains individuals to become entry level surgical technologists. Surgical technologists are integral members of the surgical team who work closely with surgeons, anesthesia care providers, registered nurses and other surgical personnel delivering patient care before, during and after surgery. This program prepares the student for national certification testing.

Employment in surgical technology is expected to grow as the volume of surgeries increase and technological advancements require expert assistance during those surgical procedures. Hospitals continue to be the primary employer of surgical technologists, although other career options include physicians’ office assistant, obstetrical unit technician, and outpatient care centers, including ambulatory surgical centers, sterile supply management and/or technician, surgical supply representatives, and surgical technology education.

Median annual earnings of surgical technologists were $48,300 in 2019. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics


The student will need to demonstrate proficiencies in reading, English, and mathematics based on the ACCUPLACER assessment test, ACT or SAT scores, or by taking the recommended/ required classes. Some of the courses in this curriculum have specific prerequisites as indicated. Developmental Reading/English, Math, and/or Biology if placement test scores indicate need.

Program Path Sequence:

The listing that follows reflects courses required for the AAS degree. This particular sequence is recommended. Individualized schedules can be developed with the help of an advisor. The core surgical courses must be taken in the order presented, and concurrently when applicable.

For More Information Contact Program Director, Jennifer Cain, CST, or Advising Staff, 620-432-0311 if program advisor is unavailable.
Semester I Semester II
SURG 100 Introduction to Surgical Technology 4 cr hrs   SURG 101 Intro to Surgical Technology Lab 2 cr hrs  *
BIOL 257 Human Anatomy & Physiology 3 cr hrs   (SGE)040 SURG 102 Prin & Prac of Surg Technology 5 cr hrs  *
BIOL 258 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab 2 cr hrs   (SGE)040 BIOL 271 Microbiology 3 cr hrs  (SGE)040
ALHE 105 Medical Terminology 3 cr hrs   BIOL 272 Microbiology Lab 2 cr hrs  (SGE)040
CURR 100 First Year Seminar 1 cr hrs  (only if < 15 cr completed) (SGE)070 PSYC 155 General Psychology 3 cr hrs   (SGE)050
ENGL 101 English Composition I 3 cr hrs   (SGE)010 CSIS 105 Computer Literacy 1 cr hrs  (test-out accepted)
Total Credit Hours: 16 Total Credit Hours: 16

 *Apply for Surgical Technology Program Admittance during Semester I*

ALHE 141 BasicLifeSupport/Professional Rescu .5,1 cr hrs  ^
SOSC 100 Introduction To Sociology 3 cr hrs   (SGE)050
COMM 213 Interpersonal Communication 3 cr hrs   (SGE)020
Total Credit Hours: 7


Semester III Semester IV
SURG 103 Prin & Prac of Surgical Tech Lab 3 cr hrs  * SURG 204 Surgical Procedures II 5 cr hrs  *
SURG 106 Surgical Technology Clinical I 3 cr hrs  * SURG 206 Surgical Technology Clinical II 8 cr hrs  *
SURG 202 Surgical Procedures I 4 cr hrs  * SURG 208 Surgical Tech Certification Review 1 cr hrs  *
ALHE 122 Introduction To Pharmacology 3 cr hrs    
Total Credit Hours: 13 Total Credit Hours: 14
Total Surgical Technology Program Path Credits: 35
Total Program Path Credits for Associate of Applied Science Degree: 66

Program Outcomes:

The goal of the surgical technology program is to provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to gain employment as a surgical technologist and become contributing members of the health care team and leaders in surgical technology. This will be accomplished by preparing competent graduates in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains:

Cognitive Domain: The Graduate will:

  1. Correlate the knowledge of surgical procedures, anatomy and physiology, microbiology to their role as a surgical technologist and recognize their relationship to safe patient care.
  2. Demonstrate the principles of safe patient care in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative settings.

Psychomotor Domain: The Graduate will:

  1. Develop and apply fundamental surgical assisting skills through practice and evaluation in the laboratory and clinical settings.
  2. Accurately apply the principles of asepsis across the spectrum of common surgical experiences.

Affective Domain: The Graduate will:

  1. Recognize the variety of patients’ needs and the impact of their personal, physical, emotional, and cultural experiences on the rendering of patient care.
  2. Demonstrate professional responsibility in performance, attitude and personal conduct.
  3. Practice within the confines of the recognized scope of practice within the healthcare community to provide optimal patient care.

^Indicates American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers may be acquired elsewhere.

*Indicates prerequisite/s required.

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