College Catalog (2021-2022) 
    Feb 14, 2025  
College Catalog (2021-2022) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies & Information

Academic Appeals

Final Grades

Final grades are based only on academic standards and the instructor’s evaluation of how well a student achieved those standards. Final grades shall be based upon written grading criteria given to the student at the beginning of each course. Each instructor is required to issue a syllabus for the course the first class session each semester outlining the requirements for the course and the grading criteria to be used in the course.

Only final grades given at the conclusion of the course may be appealed. Grounds for final grade appeals include:

  1. Failure of the instructor to follow the written criteria given to the student at the beginning of the course (or failure of the instructor to provide written criteria as required).
  2. Alleged errors in the mathematical calculation of grades.
  3. Alleged errors in recording the grade on the student’s transcript.
  4. Non-academic issues (i.e. if a student completed the work and would otherwise have been entitled to a grade acceptable to the student, but did not receive the grade due to poor attendance, poor class participation, discrimination, etc.).

With the exception of an XF, the student must begin the final grade appeal process within 30 days from the conclusion of the course. Each final grade being questioned must be appealed separately.

Academic Honesty

In the case of an academic honesty violation (as defined in the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline), the student must begin the appeal process within two working days from the date disciplinary action was initiated by the faculty member or other College official. This includes the disciplinary action of an XF.

Appeal Procedure

A student begins the appeal process by completing the Academic Appeal Form, available in the office of the chief academic officer and then:

  1. For a final grade appeal, conferring with the appropriate course instructor. If the problem cannot be resolved, the student may continue the appeal process by making an appointment with the chief academic officer.
  2. For an academic honesty appeal, including appeal of an “XF” grade, meeting with the course instructor is not required, and the student shall make an appointment with the chief academic officer.

It rests with the chief academic officer’s discretion to investigate and determine the basis for the appeal and then either resolve it or refer it to an ad hoc committee appointed by the chief academic officer or by the president of the College. No further appeal by the student is allowed.

Academic Clemency

Students may eliminate poor academic records within the restrictions of the following policy:

Requirements and Limitations

  1. To be eligible, the student must be currently enrolled at NCCC and must have completed at least 12 consecutive credit hours at this institution with a 2.5 GPA. In addition, the student must meet one of the following criteria:
    1. Make a complete curriculum change, or
    2. Wait an interim of two years from the date of the grades before filing for Academic Clemency.
  2. Up to 15 semester hours of specific “F” and/or “D” grades may be petitioned for exclusion from the computation of the student’s GPA.
  3. When a course has been excluded from the computation of the GPA, it shall not be counted for graduation but will remain on the student’s transcript.
  4. Academic Clemency will be granted only once while at NCCC.
  5. This policy refers to NCCC only. A student transferring to another institution will have to follow the other institution’s policy.
  6. Grades which have been excluded from the computation of the GPA will be identified on the student’s transcript by an ampersand (&).
  7. Granting of Academic Clemency does not affect or alter a student’s record for athletic eligibility.
  8. Students granted Academic Clemency may not receive honors at graduation.
  9. While credits removed from the computation of the GPA as a result of Academic Clemency will not be used to meet course or program requirements, they will be used to determine eligibility for financial aid awards.


  1. Students wishing to petition for Academic Clemency must complete and submit a letter requesting Academic Clemency to the Vice President for Student Learning. The letter should contain reasons why Academic Clemency is requested and a list of courses the student wishes to remove from his/her transcript.
  2. Petitions may be filed upon enrollment at NCCC, but Academic Clemency will not be granted until a student has completed 12 hours and met the requirements as stated in #1 above.
  3. Upon receipt of the petition, the Academic Clemency Committee will review the student’s transcript and current enrollment, and make a recommendation on clemency.
  4. If Academic Clemency is granted, all previous course work will continue to appear on the transcript, but the grades in those courses which have been granted Academic Clemency will not be included in the student’s NCCC cumulative GPA.

Academic Fresh Start

Academic Fresh Start is a policy which provides students with poor or marginal academic college records the opportunity to resume work toward their degree without the burden of a poor GPA due to past academic performance. A student must be returning to college after a four-year absence to qualify for Academic Fresh Start. Academic Fresh Start removes all prior college grades from the student’s transcript while academic clemency is limited to removal of 15 credit hours. This policy refers to NCCC only. A student transferring to another institution will follow the other institution’s policy.

Students must meet the following requirements before being granted this option:

  1. Separation from all institutions of higher education for at least four years,
  2. Formal application to the Vice President for Student Learning. (This application should describe the reasons for the request and outline an academic plan, which includes the declaration of an area of academic interest.)
  3. Agree that the calculation of the GPA and credit hour totals will be based solely on work completed after this point and enrollment at NCCC and the student will forfeit use of all credit hours toward a degree earned prior to being granted.

If Academic Fresh Start is granted, the student may resume his/her studies with the understanding that:

  1. Academic Fresh Start at NCCC may be granted only once.
  2. The student’s permanent record will remain a record of all work, regardless of the institution at which that work was completed; however, the returning student will forfeit the use of all credit hours toward a degree earned prior to the four-year separation period.
  3. The student’s record will carry a notation designating when the Academic Fresh Start was granted and noting that the calculation of GPA and credit totals for degree purposes begins with that date.
  4. Students applying for admission under Academic Fresh Start must meet admission requirements established by NCCC.
  5. This policy refers to NCCC only. A student transferring to another institution will have to follow the other institution’s policy.

Academic Honesty

A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students are responsible for learning the content of any course of study outlined by their instructors, regardless of any views or judgments privately held and for demonstrating their attainment in an honest manner. Students violating such standards must accept the consequences and penalties assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated persons. All cases may result in discipline at the college level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Students accused of abridging the policy of Academic Honesty may protect themselves through established academic appeal procedures and are assured due process and the right of appeal from accusations or penalties felt to be unjust. The faculty, staff, and administration of NCCC will neither condone nor tolerate violations of this policy.


Violations of the Academic Honesty policy include academic dishonesty, which is behavior in which a deliberate means is employed to gain undeserved intellectual credit or advantage, either for oneself or another, or which is disruptive of a course of study. Some examples of academic dishonesty are:

  1. Plagiarism. Intentionally using the printed/published data, distinctive ideas, or language of someone else without specifically acknowledging the original source, for example, copying another student’s paper, creative work, article, or computer work and submitting it as one’s own original work. On the other hand, the use of “common knowledge” or of ideas that are not distinctive to a single source does not require acknowledgement. Subject to the foregoing, the particular circumstances under which acknowledgment is required may vary among the different disciplines, which make up the College; in addition, the manner or style used to acknowledge a source will vary among disciplines. In a particular course, students must follow the acknowledgement/citation customs and standards of the discipline offering the course and acknowledge sources in the manner expected by that discipline. The instructor in each course is responsible for making these standards clear.
  2. Unauthorized collaboration on out-of-class projects. Students may not present work as individual when, in fact, the work was done with other students.
  3. Cheating on exams. Defined as the unauthorized or inappropriate use of information about the exam (questions/answers) and/or the taking of an exam with the assistance of unauthorized materials such as notes, textbooks, crib sheets, electronic means (such as cell phones), etc. It is the responsibility of each instructor to inform students which information aids, if any, may be used on exams.
  4. Unauthorized access to exams in advance of the examination. Students who in any unauthorized manner obtain exams in advance of the date and hour of the examination are committing an act of academic dishonesty. Unauthorized access to exams does not include obtaining copies of exams given in previous sections and restricted to students, but it does include a sharing of information about an unreturned exam between a student in an earlier section of a class and a student in a later section.
  5. Aiding and/or abetting an academically dishonest undertaking. A student is responsible for ensuring that other students do not misuse his/her work. Students are required to protect the integrity of their own work by, for example, not allowing, knowingly or through carelessness, another student to plagiarize a term paper or copy answers to an exam.

Responsibility for Academic Honesty

The fundamental responsibility for the maintenance of the standards of honesty rests upon the student. It is each student’s responsibility to be familiar with College policy on academic honesty and to uphold the standards at all times in all situations.

Each faculty member shall make clear to each class early in the semester the faculty member’s own policy toward penalties he/she gives for breaches in academic integrity, within the scope of the College policy. Faculty are expected to take reasonable precautions to protect academic honesty.

Consequences of Academic Honesty Violations

Incidents of academic honesty violation in the classroom will be the responsibility of the individual instructor. Upon discovery of such violations, the instructor will have a private meeting with the student to inform him/her of the situation or notify him/her by e-mail. The consequences of violation of the Academic Honesty policy are at the discretion of the instructor and can range from redoing the assignment for partial credit to course dismissal, to the receiving of a grade of “XF” for the course. A grade of “XF” indicates the student failed the course due to violations of the Academic Honesty policy and remains on the permanent transcript unless removed by passing a course in ethics and integrity. All actions taken by the instructor will be documented by the instructor, and reported to the following:

  • Instructor’s direct supervisor (appropriate division chair, director or direct supervisor)
  • Appropriate Dean as applicable (Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses, Dean of Outreach and Workforce Development)
  • Vice President for Student Learning
  • Dean of Student Services

A copy of the documentation will be placed on file with the Dean of Student Services. If the student does not agree with the actions taken by the instructor, he/she may utilize the Academic Honesty Appeal Procedure found in this catalog or in the NCCC Student Handbook. Please note the timeline of this type of appeal, including the grade of XF, is two working days from the notification.

Records of acts of misconduct will be kept on file by NCCC. In cases of serious violations of academic honesty or multiple violations of the policy, the Dean of Student Services, in conjunction with the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses, or the Dean for Outreach and Workforce Development when applicable may require a meeting with the student to determine what action needs to be taken. Actions may range from a warning to expulsion from the College.

Academic Minimum Standards And Reinstatement Procedures

A student whose career GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for one term (semester). Should the grade point or percentage of course work not raise above the minimum standards during the probation period, the student will be academically suspended. Exceptions may be made at the registrar’s or Vice President for Student Learning’s discretion.

Failure to attend and participate in coursework as determined by the College may result in administrative withdrawal from college level coursework. Students placed on academic probation will be required to enroll in college success courses during the probationary semester. If a student is administratively withdrawn from college success courses, this will violate his/her probationary status and may result in academic suspension.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Should a student’s career GPA not be raised to at least 2.0 during the probation period, or the student failed to make significant academic progress, the student will be academically suspended. A student placed on academic suspension may appeal to the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses.

Academic Reinstatement Procedures

Students may be reinstated on academic probation after being academically suspended by following these procedures:

  1. The student will meet with his/her academic advisor and together they will determine an appropriate class schedule. Consideration should be given to the following:
    1. Maximum hours of enrollment allowed to be academically successful,
    2. Other college and/or family related obligations for the up-coming semester, (i.e. athletics, scholarship related activities, and household responsibilities),
    3. Previously attempted courses which were not completed satisfactorily,
    4. Degree intent or long-term goals,
    5. Intended graduation or transfer date,
    6. Reasons student encountered academic difficulties in the past and how to address these concerns in the future, and
    7. How the student’s advisor can assist in this process and who else they will call upon for support, including enrollment in additional course work designed to assist the student in achieving academic success.
  2. The student, after giving consideration to the above, will develop an action plan for his/her own future academic success and have it reviewed and signed by his/her advisor.
  3. The student will present the completed action plan and the proposed class schedule to the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses for consideration of approval for reinstatement.
  4. If approved, the student will sign an agreement wherein he/she agrees to acquire a semester GPA of at least 2.0, meet with his/her advisor monthly, and follow a personal academic success action plan throughout the reinstated semester.
  5. The Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses and academic advisor will also sign this agreement and a copy is to accompany the enrollment form and be incorporated into the student’s record in the registrar’s office.
  6. The registrar will remove the academic suspension (AS) hold and replace it with an Academic Probation (AP) hold.
  7. Any early warning and/or mid-term grades for students on academic probation status will prompt follow-up meetings to be scheduled with their academic advisor.
  8. The student will remain on academic probation status as long as he/she maintains a 2.0 term GPA until such time as his/her career GPA reaches 2.0 or higher.

Should a student fail to maintain a term GPA of 2.0 while on reinstatement, the student will revert back to academic suspension, and the student will meet with the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses to determine if re-enrollment will be permitted.

Academic Preparation

NCCC has adopted multiple placement measures to help students select the most appropriate English, Reading and Math courses for their educational goals. Students who provide high school transcripts that meet the following requirements are encouraged to use their cumulative high school GPA instead of placement exams. Historical data native to NCCC suggests students succeed at a higher rate when using multiple measures to determine their placement. Students who wish to take the ACCUPLACER test for additional placement options are welcome to do so. Students who score below the minimum standards for college level courses will be required to take developmental (pre-college) course work. In cases where developmental courses are indicated in more than one area, the student will be required to successfully demonstrate competencies at the developmental level as a prerequisite for registration in general education courses. A zero as the first digit in the course number signifies developmental level courses and do not count toward graduation but will be figured in the student’s GPA.

Non-native speakers of English may elect to take developmental courses in English (ENGL 015 English for Non-Native Students, ENGL 016 English as a Second Language - Reading). However, those courses will not be mandated and are not part of the mandatory placement requirements.

Assessment Of Student Learning

Assessment of student leaning is an integral part of the education process at NCCC. NCCC has a genuine interest in continuing an ongoing assessment of student learning as a way of measuring its success in meeting its mission and enhancing its academic programs. Student input constitutes the critical source of assessment data. All students will be expected at various junctures during their educational career at NCCC to contribute to the assessment program by completing surveys, standardized tests, and exit interviews as required by their curriculum.

Attendance Policy

NCCC values interactive learning which promotes student engagement in the learning process. To be actively engaged, the student must be present in the learning environment.

Unless students are participating in a school activity or are excused by the instructor, they are expected to attend class. If a student’s absences exceed one-eighth of the total course duration, (which equates to one hundred (100) minutes per credit hour in a face-to-face class), the instructor has the right, but is not required, to withdraw a student from the course. Once the student has been withdrawn by administration for excessive absences, the registrar’s office will send a letter to the student, stating that he or she has been withdrawn by administration. A student may petition the chief academic officer for reinstatement by submitting a letter stating valid reasons for the absences within one week of the registrar’s notification. If the student is reinstated into the class, the instructor and the registrar will be notified. Please refer to the Student Handbook/Academic Policies for more information.

Absences that occur due to the students participating in official college activities are excused except in those cases where outside bodies, such as the State Board of Nursing, have requirements for minimum class minutes for each student. Students who are excused will be given reasonable opportunity to make up any missed work or receive substitute assignments from the instructor and should not be penalized for the absence. Proper procedure should be followed in notifying faculty in advance of the student’s planned participation in the event. Ultimately it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of the planned absence.

Electronic Device Policy

Student cell phones and other personal electronic devices not being used for class activities must not be accessed during class times unless the instructor chooses to waive this policy.

Change Of Schedule

Adding or Dropping Courses

Students may elect to change their course schedule without penalty the first ten days of a full semester class. To add a full semester course after the fifth day of a semester, the student must obtain both the advisor’s and instructor’s signatures on the add/drop form. To drop a full semester course after the tenth day of the semester, the student must obtain both the advisor’s and instructor’s signature on the add/drop form. Student athletes will also need their coach’s signature on the add/drop form.

Students who wish to add or drop selected courses after the add/drop window has closed should follow these procedures:

  1. Obtain a Drop/Add Form from the student services office,
  2. Obtain the instructor’s signature,
  3. Obtain the advisor’s approval, and
  4. Return the form to the student services office to complete the process.
  5. If you are off campus, you may email from your student email account to your advisor requesting permission to drop/add. If you are non-degree seeking, you can email Registration at

A student’s financial aid may be adversely affected by numerous drops.

Students are expected to complete the courses for which they register. Failure to properly withdraw from classes may result in the assignment of “F” grades for their classes. Students who wish to withdraw from courses should review the withdraw procedure later in this section.

Withdrawing From Courses

The student who only informs the instructor that he/she intends to withdraw or who simply ceases to attend is not officially withdrawn from class. Unless the procedure described below is followed, the student’s name will remain on the class roster, and the instructor will be required to submit a grade other than “W,” often times resulting in a grade of “F.” In addition, the student will be charged all appropriate tuition and fees.

If a student wishes to withdraw from one or more courses, he/she should seek the counsel of his/her advisor and obtain the proper forms from the registrar’s office. The completed withdraw form must be on file in the registrar’s office before the withdrawal is official. Financial aid recipients are encouraged to check with the financial aid office regarding the impact of withdrawing from classes on scholarship and/or federal student aid eligibility.

Refund availability and transcript notations for circumstances regarding a student’s exit from a class are summarized on the following table:


Refund Availability and Transcript Notations upon Course Exit
Business Days in Course Term Refund Transcript Notation
1% to 13% Full refund No notation on transcript - this is considered a “drop” and therefore the enrollment will not be noted on the student transcript
14% to 24% No refund No notation on transcript - this is considered a “drop” and the enrollment will not be noted on the student transcript
25% to 75% No refund “W” on transcript - this is considered a “withdrawal” and the enrollment and notation of “W” will be noted on the student transcript
76% to 100% Course withdrawal not allowed, the enrollment and grade earned in the course will be noted on the student transcript
NOTE (“WA”) If a student is withdrawn administratively from a course, no refund will be given. A notation of “WA” will be noted on the student transcript.


Under extenuating circumstances, the student may appeal to the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses to withdraw with the grade of “W” after 75% of the class has been completed.

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from their entire enrollment at NCCC are asked to meet with the Dean of Student Services on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses. Completing this process helps to avoid any future holds on student records that may make it difficult to return to NCCC or transfer to another college. Students receiving any type of federal financial assistance must also complete an exit interview and should contact a staff member in the financial aid office to discuss return of title IV funds (R2T4).

Early Academic Warning System

NCCC’s Early Academic Warning System was implemented to alert students, advisors, and activity sponsors when a student is struggling in a course. An “early warning notification” is issued for all students earning a “D,” “F” or “NP” at designated reporting dates set throughout the semester. Notification is sent to the student with a copy to the advisor and activity sponsor. Students are encouraged to contact their instructor and/or advisor when they receive an early warning notification.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are considered an important part of each course. All courses are required to hold substantial final examinations, and all students are required to take them. All final examinations will be conducted at such times and places as designated by College officials.

Proctoring Exams - General Information

Neosho County Community College is pleased to offer free proctoring services for current students. At the Chanute Campus proctoring occurs in the Chapman Learning Center (CLC) and at the Ottawa Campus proctoring occurs in the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). Students may request a proctoring appointment by emailing Students in courses that meet online, virtually, or at other locations may also request an off-campus proctor; however, the instructor must approve these arrangements in advance. For a copy of the Off-Campus Proctor Request form or for additional information on proctoring services availability, please refer to the Proctoring and Testing page on the myResources tab of myNeosho.

Proctoring Policy For Hybrid/Online Math Courses

For all NCCC math department courses (with a MATH course prefix) conducted as hybrid or as fully online courses, a minimum of 50% of the student’s overall grade shall be earned taking exams within a proctored setting. The student shall not be required to come to a physical location to take a proctored exam any more than 4 times over the duration of the course.

  • Students may come to either the Ottawa or Chanute campus to take paper/pencil or computer-based tests under the supervision of a proctor in a designated testing environment, such as the CAVE or TLC. NCCC’s on-campus proctoring services are free to the student.
  • However, if coming to either campus proves to be too much of a hardship (e.g. if the student lives more than 50 miles away from either campus), the student shall take the exams in a more convenient location under the supervision of a proctor that is pre-approved by the instructor before the exam is scheduled to be given. NCCC provides a Proctor Request Form that will function as a pre-approval form. The student and designated proctor must fill out the form (complete all but Part IV of the form) and provide a copy to the instructor before the first proctored exam is to take place. As indicated in the PROCTOR POSITION section of the Proctor Request Form, examples of acceptable proctors include staff at a testing agency (Pearson and Prometric testing services are examples) or in a testing center at another more conveniently located college or university. Some or all of these options may entail financial cost to the student. Regardless of whatever testing option you choose, an unacceptable proctor would be a friend, fellow student (including student employees of a testing center), or a relative.
  • The student will only be allowed to take the exam at the alternative location (i.e. any location other than a NCCC campus) once the course instructor has indicated to the student that he or she approves the student’s choice of proctor AND once the instructor has contacted the proctor to communicate any applicable testing instructions. The instructor may communicate testing instructions to the proctor via email or phone, which shall be documented on the back of, or attached to, the proctor’s copy of the Proctor Request Form.
  • IMPORTANT: All Proctor Request Forms for ALL proctored exams in the course must be provided to the instructor by one week before the FIRST proctored exam’s due date. For the student and proctor’s convenience, there is an option (a checkbox) in Part II of the Proctor Request Form that a student may check off to indicate that the same proctor and location will be used for EVERY exam for the duration of the course.

    This option is not required, but it is recommended for convenience.

    Note: Any student taking an exam in a testing center on an NCCC campus does not need pre-approval for any exam.
  • On the day that the student comes to a testing location to take an exam, the final section (Part IV) of the Proctor Request Form must be signed and dated by the proctor, which will document that the proctor verified the identity of the student as well as the student’s check-in and check-out times. Upon completion of the exam, the proctor shall send the finished Proctor Request Form to the course instructor-sending a scanned electronic copy by email or fax would be acceptable.

Food And Drink Policy

Food and drink are not allowed in classrooms and labs. Students with a medical condition that would require them to have food and/or drink with them at all times must provide documentation of such condition.

Grade Points

Students will have their grade point averages (GPA) computed on the following basis: for each credit hour of “A,” 4 points; “B,” 3 points; “C,” 2 points; “D,” 1 point; “F,” 0 points, “XF,” 0 points. In order for students to have a “C” average and be eligible for graduation, they must have a minimum of 64 credit hours and 128 grade points. The GPA is the quotient obtained by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of credit hours for which grades “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F” or “XF” is recorded. See the Academic Honesty section for an explanation of the “XF” grade.

The grade of “W” (Withdraw) or “WA” (Withdrawn by Administration) is not reflected in the computation for the student’s GPA, but is a permanent part of the student’s academic transcript. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to graduate.

Grading System

Grades are issued and recorded as “A” (Superior), “B” (Good), “C” (Satisfactory), “D” (Poor), “I” (Incomplete), “F” (Failure), “XF” (Failure due to violation of Academic Honesty policy), “P” (Pass), or “NP” (No Pass). No grades are recorded with a plus or a minus. The grade of “W” (Withdraw) is recorded on the academic transcript for courses from which a student has withdrawn and a “WA” (Withdrawn by Administration) when the student has been withdrawn from the course by the instructor or administrator.

The Pass/No Pass grade is not calculated in the student GPA, but the course(s) will count as college credit and be counted toward hours for graduation. Courses may utilize this type of grading when recommended and approved by the Vice President for Student Learning and the Curriculum Committee.

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete (“I”) grade may be issued by an instructor for a course when a student is making satisfactory progress, but the student is unable to complete the work due to unavoidable circumstances. Every grade of “I” must be removed within the first nine weeks of the semester following the receipt of this grade (excluding summer); otherwise, the “I” automatically becomes the grade indicated by the instructor on the incomplete contract. A contract must be completed between the student and faculty member prior to the last day of the semester and signed by both in order to acquire a grade of incomplete. In emergency cases, a petition for exceptions to this rule may be made to the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses.

Repeating Courses

Students receiving unsatisfactory grades will be allowed to repeat the course for credit. Students may not receive a final grade (excluding W and WA) in a particular course more than three times, unless the course has been designated for repeat credit. Students who wish to enroll in a course four or more times must receive approval from the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses. The most recent grade will replace the prior grade received for the repeated course to count toward graduation requirements and the GPA. However, the original grade will remain on the student’s transcript.

Courses which have been designated to be taken for additional credit may not be taken for more than six credit hours to apply toward a one-year certificate, or for 12 credit hours to apply toward a two-year certificate or associate degree. Students should check with financial aid to determine whether repeating a course for grade replacement will affect their award. Any exceptions to this policy must be petitioned by the student to the Vice President for Student Learning on the Chanute campus or the Dean for the Ottawa and Online campuses.

Student Grades

Student grades will be made available directly to the student. Grades are not issued by phone or by e-mail. Student grades may not be released or discussed with parents or others unless a release signed by the student is presented or is in the student file. Students may access their grades via their myNeosho account. See the Privacy Rights of Students  section.

Transferring NCCC Credits to Other Institutions

NCCC’s regional accreditation and its participation in the Kansas Transfer Articulation Agreement make it possible for NCCC students to earn credits and degrees that readily transfer to other institutions. The Kansas Board of Regents requires that Kansas system institutions accept the transfer credit of “substantially equivalent courses from any Kansas public postsecondary institution.” The Board approves specific courses to be accepted for Systemwide Transfer (SWT), and these courses transfer to any Kansas public institution offering an equivalent course. (Visit to access the current list of SWT courses.)

NCCC course credit may also be used to satisfy other requirements at transfer institutions. The Kansas Board of Regents requires that “[s]tudents transferring to Kansas public universities with a completed AA or AS degree be given junior standing.” Additionally, transfer students may use their credits to fulfill the general education requirements at other Kansas public postsecondary institutions. The Board of Regents has determined that credits matching the description below will satisfy the general education requirements for the bachelor degree at all Kansas public universities, even when the specific general education requirements of the receiving institution differ from the requirements established by the Board. The Board’s general education requirements stipulate a minimum of 45 credits as follows:

  1. 12 hours of Basic Skills courses, including:
           6 hours of English Composition
           3 hours of Public Speaking or Speech Communication
           3 hours of college level Mathematics; college Algebra and/or Statistics will be required of transfer students where the curriculum of the receiving institution requires it
  2. 12 hours of Humanities courses from at least three of the following disciplines:
  Art*   History**
  Theater*   Literature
  Philosophy   Modern Languages
  1. 12 hours of Social and Behavioral Science courses from at least three of the following disciplines:
  Sociology   Geography
  Psychology   Anthropology
  Political Science   History**
  1. 9 hours of Natural and Physical Science courses from at least two disciplines (lecture with lab)
    *Performance courses are excluded.
    **The receiving institution will determine whether history courses are accepted as humanities or as social sciences.

Students transferring from NCCC may also benefit from the articulation agreements that the College maintains with other colleges and universities. Institution-to-institution and program-to-program articulations help to further define the credits that partner institutions will accept, thus promoting greater transparency and smoother transfers. For information about NCCC’s articulation agreements with specific colleges and universities, please visit

While most NCCC credits transfer easily, students should be mindful that credits may not be accepted by other institutions in every instance. Private institutions and institutions in other states are permitted to evaluate NCCC transfer credits according to their own policies. Even within the Kansas system, courses not substantially equivalent to a course offered by the receiving institution are transferred at the discretion of the receiving institution. In most cases, courses that are not accepted for program credit will be accepted as electives, but this may vary from institution to institution. Students are encouraged to communicate with their academic advisors and with the college or university to which they plan to transfer to help make informed decisions.

See also “Transferring Credits to NCCC” under Enrollment and Registration .