*This Program Path starts Fall 2024*
The Associate of Science with an emphasis in Mathematics is a two-year degree for students who intend to transfer to a university to complete a mathematics or mathematics education degree. Students should consult their transfer institution for specific transfer requirements.
The student will need to demonstrate proficiencies in reading, English, and mathematics based on the Mandatory Placement Policy, or by taking the recommended/ required classes. Some of the courses in this curriculum have specific prerequisites.
Program Path Sequence
The listing that follows is a recommended sequence of courses for full-time students. The student should consult with an advisor for information specific to their academic situation.
For More Information Contact Program Advisors: Paul Walcher, 620-432-0416 pwalcher@neosho.edu, Rita Drybread, 620-432-0337 rdrybread@neosho.edu, Doug Joseph, 785-248-2799, djoseph@neosho.edu, or Advising Staff, 620-432-0311 advising@neosho.edu if program advisor is unavailable.
General Education (GE) Courses
In order to graduate with a college degree, all students are required to take certain general education courses. These include English composition, speech, wellness, science, art and humanities, mathematics, computer systems, and social and behavioral science.
Program Core Courses
MATH 150 Analytic Geometry And Calculus I (SGE)030, MATH 155 Analytic Geometry And Calculus II (SGE)030, MATH 253 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (SGE)030, MATH 143 Elementary Statistics (SGE)030.
CSIS 230 Visual Basic Programming , CSIS 240 C++ Programing , CHEM 215 College Chemistry I (SGE)040, CHEM 225 College Chemistry II (SGE)040, ECON 201 Macroeconomics (SGE)050, MATH 255 Differential Equations (SGE)030, MUSI 101 Music Fundamentals , PHYS 100 Introductory College Physics I (SGE)040, PHYS 101 Introductory College Physics II (SGE)040, PHYS 102 Fundamentals of Astronomy (SGE)040, PHYS 104 Engineering Physics I (SGE)040, PHYS 105 Engineering Physics II (SGE)040.
Program Outcomes
Students will be able to:
- Define arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical concepts.
- Calculate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical quantities using appropriate technology.
- Estimate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical solutions.
- Solve arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical expressions, equations, functions, and problems using appropriate technology.
- Represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically, graphically, verbally, and visually using appropriate technology.
- Develop mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics using appropriate technology.
- Interpret mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics, drawing conclusions and making inferences based on those models.
- Explore mathematical systems utilizing rich experiences that encourage independent, nontrivial, constructive exploration in mathematics.
- Communicate mathematical thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely to others in the oral and written form.