*This Program Path starts Fall 2024*
The Associate of Arts with an emphasis in Theatre at NCCC is designed to prepare students for a transfer to a four-year institution. The courses required are a basic foundation on which one can build in order to pursue a career in theatre.
The student will need to demonstrate proficiencies in reading, English, and mathematics based on the Mandatory Placement Policy, or by taking the recommended/ required classes. Some of the courses in this curriculum have specific prerequisites.
Program Path Sequence
The listing that follows is a recommended sequence of courses for full-time students. The student should consult with an advisor for information specific to their academic situation.
For More Information Contact Program advisor Theatre Professor: Paula Makar 620-432-0361 pmakar@neosho.edu or Advising Staff 620-432-0311 advising@neosho.edu if program advisor is unavailable.
General Education (GE) Courses
In order to graduate with a college degree, all students are required to take certain general education courses. These include English composition, speech, wellness, science, art and humanities, mathematics, computer systems, and social and behavioral science.
Program Core Courses
COMM 105 Theatre Appreciation (SGE)060, COMM 107 Stagecraft , COMM 120 Fundamentals of Acting are the fundamental building blocks to work towards a four-year degree. COMM 206 Theatre Workshop (Drama) and COMM 206 Theatre Workshop (Theatre) are intended to give students hands on experience in play production.
Program Elective Courses
COMM 103 Script Analysis 3 cr hrs COMM 106 Improvisation 3 cr hrs COMM 109 Reader’s Theater 1 cr hrs COMM 110 Theatre History 3 cr hrs COMM 267 Oral Interpretation 3 cr hrs COMM 299 Independent Study 1,2,3 cr hrs
Program Outcomes
Students will develop an understanding of the following:
- Identify the essential components of theatre throughout history to the present day using professional terminology.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the basic use of the actor’s instrument in movement and voice.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the basic elements of theatrical design through conceptual and practical application.
- Implement the acting process from auditioning to performing in front of an audience.
- Implement the technical theatre process safely from production assignment to building an opening production.
- Analyze a diverse and inclusive repertoire of plays from varying eras and styles.