*This Program Path starts Fall 2024*
The Associate of Arts with an emphasis in Art at NCCC offers three major areas of study in the visual arts: studio art, pre-graphic design, and art education. Students interested in pursuing a career in arts are encouraged to follow the recommended sequence of courses to stay on track to achieve their goals. All areas of study are designed as transfer programs, intended to be completed at a university or art school. Students who complete degrees in related art fields enjoy opportunities in teaching, studio art, entrepreneurial art businesses (galleries, tattoo, printing,) conceptual and digital media, graphic design, product design, museums, and much more. NCCC art classes may also be taken for skill enhancement, cultural enrichment, and enjoyment. Students have ample opportunities for creative development and career orientation.
The student will need to demonstrate proficiencies in reading, English, and mathematics based on the Mandatory Placement Policy, or by taking the recommended/ required classes. Some of the courses in this curriculum have specific prerequisites.
Program Path Sequence
The listing that follows is a recommended sequence of courses for full-time students. The student should consult with an advisor for information specific to their academic situation.
General Education (GE) Courses
In order to graduate with a college degree, all students are required to take certain general education courses. These include English composition, speech, wellness, science, art and humanities, mathematics, computer systems, and social and behavioral science.
Program Core Courses
ART 100 2D Design , ART 102 Art Appreciation (SGE)060, ART 113 Drawing I , ART 277 Painting I, ART 288 Art History:Prehistoric-Medieval (SGE)060, ART 289 Art History:Renaissance-Contemporary (SGE)060.
ART 114 Drawing II, ART 121 Computer Graphics, ART 123 Graphic Design, ART 155 Basic Printmaking, ART 209 Creative Art, ART 220 Digital Photography I, ART 244 Ceramics, ART 266 Sculpture, ART 278 Painting II, ART 299 Independent Study.
Program Path Outcomes
The student will:
- Develop competence in techniques and processes of art media.
- Effectively express concepts of design in concrete forms.
- Create a body of work that demonstrates a mastery of skills and a personal development within a chosen medium.
- Integrate knowledge of the chosen discipline with understanding of the social, historical, and aesthetic context of artistic work.
- Describe and interpret visual artistic creations.