NCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 
    Feb 17, 2025  
NCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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NURS 247 - Professional Nursing Concepts - Level II

2 Credit Hours

This course provides the student with opportunities to analyze professional nursing concepts in populations with complex health conditions across the life span. The student will use these concepts to interpret, draw conclusions, and evaluate patient needs, concerns or health problems to improve patient response. The student will analyze their role as it applies to healthcare delivery systems.

Prerequisites: NURS 113 - Nursing Assessment , NURS 115 - Professional Nursing Concepts I /NURS 125 - Professional Nursing Concepts II NURS 114 - Patient Centered Care I /NURS 124 - Patient Centered Care II /NURS 234 - Patient Centered Care III , NURS 116 - Practicum I /NURS 126 - Practicum II /NURS 236 - Practicum III , and NURS 122 - Pharmacology for Nursing , or NURS 201 - Intro to Professional Nursing , or permission of instructor.
Corequisites: NURS 244 - Patient Centered Care IV , NURS 246 - Practicum IV  

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